Ibrahim Babajide Obanikoro Outreach Donated Laptops To Primary And Secondary Schools In Eti-Osa.

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  • Ibrahim Babajide Obanikoro Outreach Donated Laptops To Primary And Secondary Schools In Eti-Osa.

In line with Ibrahim Babajide Obanikoro MHR constituency outreach, promoting the use of technology in educational activities is paramount.

In fulfilling this Ibrahim Babajide Obanikoro MHR donated laptops to primary and secondary schools across the constituency.

Greenwood school,Ikoyi Lagos Preparatory School Ikoyi and St Saviour Primary school were selected as part of the beneficiaries in recognition of their outstanding academic performance .

Prior to this, a lot of public schools had benefited from the distribution of laptops during the Empowerment program held in January.

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